Blockchain transactions move millions daily, whether in cryptocurrencies, cryptoassets and products such as NFT. But the security of your assets depends on the safe keeping of your private key and the inviolability of your hot wallet.
Over $7 billion in cryptocurrency has been stolen around the world. Don’t be part of this statistic
Since 2012 this is the loss accounted for by countless people and institutions. The theft of digital wallets’ private keys is the main vulnerability pointed out. With leaks and data loss, fraud and hacker attacks happening every second around the world, it is essential to protect your assets with the safe generation and storage of your keys. That’s why DINAMO created the safest digital vault in the world.
DINAMO Blockchain – A complete cryptographic solution which guarantees 100% security of your digital assets.
It is provided in a secure cryptographic environment based on the HSM (Hardware Security Modules) DINAMO, which is the most suitable hardware for protection against theft and hacking, available in an On-premise model or in the Cloud (SaaS).
Key protection and custody in tamperproof secure hardware or cloud environments.
Secure generation and derivation of addresses and cryptographic keys with centralized management.
Secret sharing with Distributed Protection of accesses and authorizations (minimum quorum of validators “M of N”).
Security and scalability in transaction signature validation with multi-sign options.

API DINAMO Blockchain – an integration API – so that companies in the crypto ecosystem and that have custody need can easily integrate their applications (Wallet, Trading and others) to the cryptographic service on specialized hardware.
Trust who is responsible for the security of 100% of transactions via PIX instant payments and of the majority of TEDs carried out in Brazil. Get to know DINAMO.
Dinamo has been operating in the market for over 9 years and using its own technology, it created the DINAMO HASM, which is present in most Brazilian banks and operates in the security of the entire Brazilian Payment System, including the Central Bank itself. In addition, it guarantees the security of transactions such as:

Operate in the digital market with peace of mind and be sure that your assets will always be safe.
Learn more about DINAMO Blockchain